What If..

Beberapa minggu belakangan ini,seperti tidak ada satu pun inspirasi untuk menulis. Begitu pula dengan sekarang. Tidak, saya tidak mau mencari kambing hitam, penyebab mandeg-nya semangat menulis saya.Time comes and goes, dan saat itu saya sedang tidak ada inspirasi.Itu saja.
Tapi hari ini,entah mengapa, saya sedang ingin memaksakan diri untuk memposting sesuatu,meski let's say, kurang kreatif. hehehe.. ini sebuah lirik lagu yang menggambarkan suasana hati saya saat ini. Lagu dari musisi favorit saya.. mungkin terlihat menggelikan,tapi biarlah. Sedikit share saja. Enjoy..the lyrics, eh?
by Mocca
What if I give you my smile?
Are you gonna stay for a while?
What if I put you in my dreams tonight?
Are you gonna stay until it’s bright?
What if I give you my story?
Are you gonna listen to me?
What if I give you my heart?
Are we never gonna be apart?
Come on baby try harder
Come on baby light my fire
Come on baby be mine
‘Cause you’re the one I wanted to be
What if I do ignore you
Will you just walk away and cry?
What if I did disappoint you?
Are you gonna say goodbye?
Come on baby try harder
Come on baby light my fire
Come on baby be mine
‘Cause you’re the one I wanted to be
What if I try to catch flying snitch?
Are you gonna come with me?
What if I give you my song?
Are we gonna sing along?
Come on baby try harder
Come on baby light my fire
Come on baby be mine
‘Cause you’re the one I wanted to be
What if you leave me right here?
I’m right here and waiting for you?
photo: google
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